5 Ways to Evangelize During Your Next Workout Session + Our Favorite Christian Activewear
If you’re reading this, it might be because you have friends at the gym who desperately need Jesus. You see it in their eyes and hear about it in their lives every week. And you’ve been planning to share the Gospel with them . . . but you’ve been procrastinating.
Honestly, the intimidation is real. That’s why we’re linking arms with you as our brothers and sisters in Christ to provide resources that can help you share the Gospel during your next workout. No fear, just faith.
The truth is, everyone needs to hear about Jesus—not just to be saved in eternity, but to be saved today. The gym is a great place to get to know nonbelievers and share with them the hope within you!
Like the Bible says, “Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you.” (1 Peter 3:15a)
5 Easy Ways to Share the Gospel During Your Next Workout
You don’t have to prepare a Gospel PowerPoint presentation. Let go of the pressure and find a way to incorporate God into conversations in a way that feels authentic to you and your faith.
Here are some of our recommendations to help you start sharing the Gospel at the gym:
1) Tell Stories of God’s Faithfulness to You
Stories are one of the most powerful evangelism tools—just ask Jesus! Much of his teaching was done through stories (or parables). If you don’t want to be too preachy, stories are a gentle and memorable alternative. Even if your gym friend doesn’t become a Christian on the spot, he or she might remember your story when they need it most. All you have to do is plant the seed.
Stories of God’s faithfulness are particularly powerful. Talk about the times when unexpected money showed up in your mailbox or when God changed your heart, saved your brother from a car accident, or did something that couldn’t be explained by the laws of nature.
2) Share Your Testimony
Your testimony of darkness to light is a great evangelism resource—and so many people forget about it. Talk to your gym friends about where you were before Jesus entered your life, and how your life has changed since!
3) Offer to Pray for Your Gym Friends When They’re Struggling
Even for non-Christians, prayer during a difficult time can mean so much. Maybe their mom is sick, they’re struggling to find a new job, or they want to find purpose in life. Begin praying for your friend during workouts. And don’t be afraid to add specifics that could prove to your friend that God cares about them! You could pray they find a new job in a specific location or pray that their mom gets healed by a certain date. You never know what God could do!
4) Invite Your Gym Friends to Church, Bible Study, or a Spiritual Environment Where They Feel Comfortable
If your friend is comfortable at church events, invite them to join you for Sunday service or Bible study. One study shows that 31% of people would go to church if invited by a close family member or friend.
If your friend doesn’t feel comfortable in a church setting, that’s okay too. Invite them over for dinner—or to a church picnic or basketball game.
5) Use an Evangelical Resource Like the Roman Road
If you want to skip the small talk and start sharing the Gospel immediately with people at the gym, the Roman Road is a great resource. It typically comes in a pamphlet with pictures and scripture verses. You can walk your gym friend through this pamphlet and then let them take it home to read. If you feel led, send a brand new Bible home with them, too.
Our Favorite Christian Workout Clothing to Jumpstart Your Evangelism
Looking for a way to subtly let your gym friends know you believe in Jesus? Try wearing Christian workout clothing. Not only are these pieces incredibly comfortable (made from 100% cotton), they also share an important message of hope with everyone around you.
Christian Hoodies with a Purpose
Without Jesus, life is very purposeless. You might remember what it felt like to live without the presence of Christ and the Holy Spirit. It feels empty, raw, and sometimes completely meaningless. Your friends need to know that a life full of hope, purpose, and truth is available to them—through the love of Christ. Choose a Christian hoodie that shares that message and includes a purpose-driven scripture verse.
Christian Sweatpants for Movement
. . . And we’re not just talking about squats. When you wear your Christian sweatpants as a way to evangelize to friends, we’re praying to see a movement of the Spirit. Wearing Christian sweatpants may give you the courage and accountability to ask deep questions and have real conversations. The embroidered cross on your pocket might strike up a conversation with a friend, too.
Faith-Based T-Shirts That Encourage People to Pray
You could share the gospel all day, but without God on your side, your works will go to waste. While we know God’s always a fan of evangelism, we also believe in the power of prayer to help you go out into the world. Before you hit the gym, begin your day with prayer. Pray that you’ll use your workout time wisely—and that God will open people’s hearts toward Him.
One of our favorite faith-based t-shirts has a prayer hotline on the back of it. This is a phone number that’s totally anonymous and open 24/7. Friends and strangers can save that number and call it if they’re ever in need of prayer.
Christian Activewear (or Matching Sets) for Those Who Like to Keep It All Together
You roll up at the gym with your claw clip in place and a whole notebook full of encouraging scripture verses to share with your friends. Yep, you’re exactly the kind of person we made our Christian clothing sets for. Complete with a Christian hoodie and Christian sweatpants, these clothing sets are a stunning match—and an even better evangelism tool.
Gym Life Might Seem Mundane at Times, but You Are Making a Difference!
Maybe you feel like you’re not sharing the Gospel in the “right” way.
Maybe your friends aren’t very receptive.
Or maybe you feel like you don’t have good stories of God’s faithfulness to share.
You wake up at the same time every morning, pack the same water bottle, and go about the same old workout routine . . . and it feels like nothing changes.
Sometimes, life can feel mundane and uneventful. And other times, God moves in big ways. But what’s important to remember is that God doesn’t ask us for big results when it comes to evangelism. He only asks for faithfulness.
So whatever you do, wherever you are—as long as you’re faithful to His call, you’re doing the right thing.
We’re cheering you on!