What is the true meaning of worship?
If you envision sipping welcome center coffee while singing the latest song from Bethel Music, you’re right. But singing worship songs on Sunday morning is just the tip of the iceberg of all that worship really is.
Worship is a way for our hearts to connect with God. It’s approaching the throne of God humbly and with purpose—understanding that we are unworthy, but He is worthy.
This can happen through music, poetry, art, servanthood, praying for our enemies, and rejoicing in the truth of Christ.
In the old testament, worship was done through burnt offerings and by writing psalms. During that time, God spoke through prophets to His people—now He speaks through the Holy Spirit directly to our hearts.
Worship has looked different throughout history (and it will look different in heaven, too!). But there is one thing that stays consistent throughout the ages: worship is about knowing God better and honoring His lordship over our lives.
What Is the True Meaning of Worship? Healing Our Relationship with Worship
Healing our relationship with worship comes from understanding other avenues of true worship.
It’s about recognizing our unholiness and God’s holiness.
His purity and our impurity.
And His ultimate sacrifice that changed it all.
Worship isn’t limited to Sunday mornings. Here are some Bible-based ways you can worship God in your everyday life.
- Worship is shouting to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving for all the blessings He has given you.
- Worship is choosing to praise God in the midst of a storm or a letdown—calling out His name through tears and pain.
- Worship is acts of service and following in obedience to God, even when it’s not easy.
- Worship is reading scripture in times of joy and times of sadness—and choosing in your heart to trust Jesus, no matter the outcome.
- Worship is giving God the credit when something goes right. And recognizing when He answers your prayers.
4 Unexpected Ways to Worship God
Here are some more unexpected ways to worship God in your daily life. You might be worshiping God in more ways than you realize.
1. Cultivate a Servant’s Heart
Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
Wow…it’s right there in scripture. Offering our bodies as “a living sacrifice” is a form of worship. There are so many different ways to offer ourselves to God’s mission—from volunteering at a local non-profit ministry to joining the mission field to giving up an afternoon for a friend in need.
Worship with Christian Merch
Do you have a friend who recently lost a loved one or is struggling with their mental health? Grab some of their favorite movies, a load of snacks, and a cozy Christian t-shirt to offer comfort. We recommend our new release, the "Hope" T-Shirt.
The sacrifice of your time and energy for someone in need is a powerful way to worship and connect with God.
2. Stay Away from Idols
Idols of the heart aren’t exclusive to the idols mentioned in the Old Testament. Anything that captures your heart more than Jesus could be an idol in your life.
By simply saying “no” to people and things that try to take up more space than Jesus, you are choosing to worship God above everything else. This follows both Old Testament and New Testament doctrine. Exodus 20:3 (part of the Ten Commandments) says, “You shall have no other gods before me.”
Worship with Christian Merch
It’s easier to stay away from idols when you have a heavenly reminder on your Christian t-shirt. Any accountability helps, right? One of our favorite Christian t-shirts is the “When It’s Good, When It’s Bad, Pray” shirt. Prayer is our most powerful weapon against idolatry and helps us stay close to God’s heart throughout the day.
3. Write a Poem
Are you artistically gifted? So was David. Called “a man after God’s own heart,” David wrote the majority of Psalms, which is a book of poems, songs, praises, and laments that offer an honest look at our relationship with God.
Before we had modern worship music, many Christians used the book of Psalms as their guide for hymns and praises for our Savior.
If you have a gift for music or poetry, use it to express your feelings toward God. Write prayers, songs, and stories that speak of God’s holiness, righteousness, and goodness to you. Be honest and raw (David didn’t hold back during the bad times, either).
Art is one way you can connect with God through worship from the privacy of your home. If you feel led, you can share your work with others, too.
Worship with Christian Merch
In the spirit of artistry, we love the “Praise” Christian hoodie. It uses bold colors and captivating gold lettering to remind us to praise God in the good and the bad moments. Toss on this Christian hoodie for ultimate comfort. Then grab your journal and start writing!
4. Pray with Thanksgiving
Have you ever experienced a “God moment”? Maybe you prayed for a friend’s salvation—and all of a sudden they were asking questions about Jesus. Or maybe you felt unsure about where to go to college—and right before your enrollment, God showed up in a big way.
There are moments when we have no other explanation except for God. And in those moments, when we feel a shout of praise coming to our hearts and mouths, we should let it out.
“Thank you, Jesus.”
Speaking our praise to God (whether out loud or internally) is an impactful form of worship. God wants us to acknowledge that He is the one in charge of our lives—and the one listening to our prayers. When He moves, our hearts should move, too.
Worship with Christian Merch
Need a reminder to praise? The “Always Praise” Christian hoodie invites you to pray and praise during everyday moments. Wrap up in a cozy cotton Christian hoodie, with pigment dye for extra softness. Or, give it to a friend who is still waiting for their prayers to be answered.
Worship Is Reverence — Knowing Who God Is and Who We Are Apart from Him
Worship is about getting our heart in the right place.
It’s about knowing who we are apart from God.
And recognizing who we are now that God has welcomed us to Himself—through Jesus Christ.
Don’t allow yourself to believe that worship can only be done in one place, in one way. Instead, embrace the nuance of worship. God gives us grace, power, and inspiration to connect with Him whenever and wherever.
Today, we encourage you to worship during the most mundane tasks. Make worship a part of your everyday life.
And see how God shows up.
Shop New Release Christian Merch
“When I Can’t Cope, Jesus Offers Hope” Christian T-Shirt