Are You Called to the Mission Field? Plus Christian Clothing Gift Ideas to Send to Your Missionary Friends
Are you a future missionary? If you regularly attend church and hear The Great Commission, this may be a question you ask yourself often. And it’s not so easy to answer.
Preaching the Gospel is the single most important thing we’ll do in our lifetime (besides accepting Jesus ourselves). But leaving our family, friends, and home to go to a foreign country is a really big decision—one that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
If you’re questioning whether or not you should become a missionary, we have good news and bad news:
Every Christian is called to be a missionary.
That’s right. Your title as a child of God means that you’re a missionary right now—wherever you are in the world
How do you choose to live out that God-given mission? That’s another story. Some people choose to dedicate their lives to a foreign country. Others serve Jesus from home with just as much dedication, and purpose. You can serve God equally from your desk job, your ministry position, or as a single mom.
What matters is your heart, not your location.
It’s every Christian’s calling to share the hope of Jesus, but these signs may help you determine if it’s time to explore a specific ministry calling:
1) God Makes a Way for You to Join the Field
It may seem simple, but God often speaks through action and provision. Joining the mission field isn’t easy and requires a lot of planning. If He begins to provide education, a destination, and the financial provision to get there, this may be a sign it’s time to think seriously about going into the field.
Missionary Pro Tip: One thing to remember about missionary work is that God might not exclusively call you to one thing. If He provides a way for you to share the Gospel in Spain for three years and then calls you somewhere else later, it doesn’t mitigate the importance of the first calling. God always has His reasons, and He may need you somewhere else.
2) You Regularly Hear from the Holy Spirit
God gave us the Holy Spirit as our moral compass—and as a way to communicate with Him. If you’re being called into the mission field, the Holy Spirit will tell you. You may feel a nudge during church service, or perhaps He’ll place a specific Bible verse on your heart. If you are offered a job on the mission field before hearing from the Holy Spirit, remember to seek His guidance before you accept it.
3) You Understand Your Gifts
Not everyone has the gift to teach and preach sermons—and that’s okay. The mission field is full of doctors, computer programmers, writers, pilots, teachers, marketers, and more. You can take any gift to the field.
When God commanded His people to build a temple in the Old Testament, He required carpenters, architects, stonemasons, artists, bakers, babysitters, and so much more. All of these skill sets were essential to a job well done. It’s the same principle today.
God gives gifts for a reason, and He likely has the perfect place already prepared for you on the field. By embracing your special talents and skills, you’ll be able to enter the mission calling in a more sustainable way.
3 Cute Christian Clothing Gifts to Send to Missionaries You Know
As a Christian clothing brand, of course, we’re obsessed with providing cute outfits for our missionary friends in the US and overseas. (And remember, every Christian is a missionary, so this includes you, too!)
Did you know that 100% cotton clothing is often requested on the mission field?
- Cotton is naturally cooling and works great in desert climates.
- It’s hypoallergenic.
- Cotton is durable, especially when it’s not blended with other materials.
- It’s low maintenance and odor free.
- It’s extremely comfortable and great for travel.
1) Christian T-Shirts for Warm Environments
Your missionary friends need a day off. A great gift idea for any missionary is a Christian t-shirt they can wear to a swimming hole or a local National Park. The 100% cotton will keep them comfortable even in the most extreme heat—and it’s so soft, it’ll feel almost like a hug from you.
2) Christian Hoodies and Sweatpants for Cold Climates
Depending on where your missionary friend serves, they may not be used to the weather. For us, we’re Los Angeles people, and we do not like the cold. Send your missionary friend some happy mail (like a comfy tracksuit!) that will help them stay warm in style while adjusting to the winter climate.
A Christian Hoodie and Sweatpants Set We Love
3) Christian Tote Bags for Students and Teachers
Your missionary friend will likely play the role of student and teacher at some point during their work. A Christian tote bag will not only carry your friend’s books but may also spark conversations about the Gospel. This is especially helpful for nervous missionaries who may be just starting out on the field and not totally confident in their Gospel-sharing skills.
Missionary Pro Tip: Don’t Send Christian Clothing to Closed Countries
As much as we love a good Christian hoodie, it’s important to recognize the danger of missions work in countries that are closed to the Gospel. If your missionary friend is working in one of those countries, sending him or her Christian clothing could be extremely dangerous (even if it’s as subtle as a scripture verse tag). Make sure you do your research before sending gifts.
Did You Know? Your Christian Clothing Purchases at Faith Center Co. Support Local Missionaries
Yep, that’s right! We’re a Christian clothing brand with a mission of our own—and we love to help local ministries thrive. Proceeds from every Faith Center Co. purchase will go toward a ministry or missions organization.